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September 26, 2022
March 10, 2025

The 22 Most Popular Chiropractor Tools

Whether you’re a seasoned chiropractor and you’re curious about some of the latest technology in chiropractic care, or you’re just setting up your business, this blog post will take you through 22 of the most popular chiropractor tools and equipment.

1. Chiropractic Tables

a Chiropractic Table

One of the most essential tools in a chiropractor’s office is chiropractic tables. While stationary tables are the standard, many chiropractors find portable tables to be more convenient (on this note, Thuli tables come highly recommended as they are considered the “workhorses” of chiropractic tables).

However, there is a range of tables depending upon personal preference and chiropractic techniques, including flexion distraction tables (one of the more popular ones, designed to reduce pressure from the lumbar spine) or the hylo table, which is adjustable by height.

Air compressor-driven chiropractic adjustment tables are the latest and greatest in chiropractic tables, helping to keep adjustments precise while eliminating side effects.

2. Spinal Decompression Tables

Spinal Decompression Tables in a room

While spinal decompression tables are a type of chiropractic table, they are popular enough that they deserve their own spot on this list.

Spinal decompression tables help with neck or back pain as well as lumbar disc bulges, herniations and sciatica, working by taking pressure off of those nerves.

3. Activator Adjustment Tools

Similarly to chiropractor tables, activator adjustment tools are staples in any chiropractor’s office and have been for decades. The activator adjustment tool is a hand-held, spring-loaded instrument that applies light, but rapid force, in order to realign vertebrae. In doing so, it takes pressure off of the nervous system and eliminates pain as well as promotes greater mobility and healing within the body.

4. Chiropractic Practice Management Software

Chiropractic practice management software may not always be something you immediately think of when it comes to chiropractor tools, but more and more practices are using it.

If there is one thing that will make the lives of you, staff and patients easier, it’s a software like chiropractic practice management software or therapy appointment software.

chiropractic practice management software
Image: Chiropractic practice management software

These kinds of software, such as chiropractic or medspa practice management software allows clients to book appointments online 24/7 (effectively keeping your practice open all hours of the day) while also allowing front-desk staff to spend time in other areas. It also automatically reminds clients of their appointments, stores medical records electronically and allows you to chart from your tablet.

One of the more interesting features of practice management software, with software like Yocale, for instance, is that it automates intake forms. When clients book online, the client is sent necessary intake forms which they can complete in advance of their appointment. This allows clients to complete paperwork in the comfort of their own home while saving time on appointment day.

You can also automatically create invoices and process payments online for super quick check-out!

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5. A Digital X-ray Machine

While not all chiropractors offer X-ray services, they can be useful for diagnostic purposes and even identifying underlying pathology. One of the benefits of a digital X-ray machine is that it produces faster, clearer images while also decreasing radiation exposure.

6. A Digital Computed Radiography (CR) Machine

If you do offer digital X-ray services in your clinic, a digital CR machine can be a helpful accompaniment. A CR machine is a clinical, high-resolution monitor that allows you to view medical images and evaluate the results alongside patients.

7. Cold Lasers (Or Class IV Lasers)

Cold lasers are also very common chiropractor tools. A cold laser (also known as a class IV laser) is a hand-held tool that offers an alternative to chemical pain relief as it promotes healing from within.

Cold laser therapy works through a process called photobiomodulation. In short, the laser works by shooting energy to soft tissue to produce newer, healthy cells while breaking down the cells responsible for inflammation.

Cold lasers are a great option for muscle and ligament strains or even to reduce the appearance of scarring.

8. A Therapeutic Ultrasound

While ultrasounds are most commonly used for diagnostic purposes, they’re actually used as a treatment in the chiropractic field for all types of musculoskeletal pain. For instance, they’re great for strains, sprains and other inflammatory conditions.

The ultrasound works by sending sound waves into deep tissue, which then stimulates blood flow in the area. In turn, this promotes healing and pain relief.

9. Cervical Traction Devices

man working with a Cervical Traction Devices

Cervical traction devices are one of the best treatment tools for headaches and neck pain. They work by helping to put the curve back into the neck, therein working to relax both muscles and nerves.

10. Basic Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy Equipment

Basic rehab or exercise therapy equipment is also essential in any chiropractor’s office and should definitely make the list when it comes to chiropractor tools. This includes exercise/resistance bands, exercise balls, exercise mats and kettlebells.

While treadmills are not actually very common in many chiropractic offices, some chiropractors find they do make gait analysis easier.

11. Wobble Chairs

wobble chair in a room

When it comes to rehab, wobble chairs are one of the best treatment tools for breaking up scar tissue while helping to keep spinal discs healthy and ultimately improving range of motion.

12. A Diagnostic Thermal Imaging Instrument

doctor using a thermal imaging instrument

Thermal scans are used to assess how the nervous system is functioning, which can be useful for determining whether adjustments are needed (or not needed) and also overall health.

The instrument works by measuring skin temperature differences along the spine. Temperature differences can signal tension in the nervous system, which can have poor health outcomes.

13. Sacro-occipital Technique (SOT)/Pelvic Blocks and Wedges

man using (SOT)/Pelvic Blocks in a SOT process

SOT blocking is a popular chiropractic technique that can be used to treat back pain, leg pain or even arm numbness. The SOT/pelvic blocks and wedges are used to evaluate patients depending upon what area is being treated in order to remove tension from the spinal cord.

14. An Electromyograph (EMG) Device

doctor using Electromyograph device on a patient

An EMG device uses electrodes to measure electrical activity and neuromuscular responsiveness to ensure that muscular and skeletal systems are working in sync.

15. Electrodermal Screening (EDS) Devices

Electrodermal Screening device

EDS devices, which are a combination of modern technology and ancient Chinese medicine, are used to measure electrical resistance and identify areas of restricted energy transfer, thereby providing direction for future treatment.

16. An Electronic Muscle Stimulation Machine (EMS)

a electronic Muscle Stimulation Machine

EMS is a common additional treatment that chiropractors use to enhance adjustment results.

The machine produces currents that promote muscle relaxation. The machine is also helpful for patients with more acute levels of pain as it helps reduce inflammatory toxins in the body.

17. A Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Device

man using a PEMF device

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate healing at the cellular level – all naturally – through the use of magnetic therapy devices.

18. Massage Guns/Chairs

a medical massage gun

Some chiropractors like to use massage guns at the beginning of treatments to improve blood flow and range of motion, thereby providing a better adjustment.

Some practices even go so far as to invest in entire massage chairs.

19. A Shockwave Machine

doctor using a shockwave machine

Shockwave therapy is useful for increasing recovery in those suffering from tendon pain, nerve pain or soft tissue pain. The machine works by sending acoustic pressure waves into bones and soft tissues, thereby breaking up scar tissue and loosening up tight fibers in the bone. This process generates new blood vessels, tissues and bone cells which then promote healing.

20. A Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Machine

a compact TENS machine

While many chiropractors will say that TENS machines don’t address underlying issues, they can still be effective for pain purposes. TENS units are battery-operated devices that clients can use at home or at work.

During TENS therapy, electrodes are placed on the skin, sending small, electrical impulses through those electrodes. The idea is that TENS therapy blocks pain signals and/or raises endorphin levels (and therefore the perception of pain).

Patients can control the level of stimulation.

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21. Dry Hydro Massage Machines

a dry hydro massage machine

Dry hydrotherapy (also known as dry water massage) is a form of therapy that combines water, heat and massage in a single machine without patients having to get wet. It increases blood circulation and reduces muscle tension, among many other benefits, especially for those with chronic back pain.

22. Zero Gravity Chairs

a zero gravity chair

While not absolutely necessary, some chiropractors do like to use zero gravity chairs so patients can rest after adjustments. The thought is that zero gravity chairs allow the body to process adjustments, therein ultimately reducing the number of adjustments that are needed.

Wrapping it Up

What are your favorite chiropractor tools in your office? Let us know in the comments below!

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Thursdays and Fridays are the most popular booking days because clients often plan their beauty and wellness treatments before the weekend. This is especially true for appointments related to special events, relaxation, and self-care ahead of busy weekends.

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No-show rates can be minimized by using automated reminders, implementing deposit policies, and offering flexible scheduling options. Yocale’s appointment management tools, including reminders via text or email, can help reduce these occurrences.

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Effective strategies for attracting new clients include targeted social media campaigns, offering first-time client promotions, and leveraging referral programs. These strategies can be combined with educational content or live demonstrations to engage potential clients.

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Client retention is crucial as it forms the foundation of a stable revenue stream. Loyal clients return for repeat services, refer others, and often spend more over time. Focus on loyalty programs, personalized experiences, and consistent communication to retain clients.

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Analyzing booking data is the key to understanding if your system is effective. Look at metrics such as appointment completion rates, rescheduling trends, and no-show statistics. Tools like Yocale provide data analytics to track these metrics and help you identify areas of improvement.

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